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My Most Important Learning Reflection

Through high school, with minimal effort towards my classes, I managed to retain a 3.8 overall GPA. I assumed that college would be very similar and spent an insignificant amount of effort into classes throughout my freshman year.


As you might expect, my grades were below par and I knew I had to make some major changes. I came to the realization that if I wanted to succeed at Texas A&M, I would have to extensively apply myself . I slowly gained an insight on how to effectively study for classes and the results were astounding.


With a determination to increase my GPA, I began spending time at the library on a daily basis and my grades improved considerably. Originally I was just trying to increase my GPA, but I came to the realization that I was actually learning important information needed for my future. 


I pursued every avenue to achieve my goal of being admitted to Mays Business School. Through hard work, I was eventually given admission into Mays. Through this challenging experience I grew into a personable, goal oriented individual.

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